Save The Dates / Change The Dates


What better way to let you know your friends and family about how excited you are to share your day than with a cute little designer save the date! Set the date with style with one of these stunners.

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We love this format - cute and compact. They sit at 90x90mm - double sided with a matching envelope. They are the first perfect hint that one fun party is on the way, these cuties aren?t going to be forgotten. Wth all your base info on it - they are the perfect snippet to give your guests in order to get them excited for the main event, the invite, then the wedding! First impressions count so make it a good one with some Lilykiss goodness. Keep your theme throughout to delight your guests as each piece of designer stationed arrives - we love giving your guests a sneak peak of our design with the save the date, then steal the show with the invitation to follow up. Please note that only a small selection of our save the dates are shown here, every design comes with a matching set - please ask us for a picture. Printed on our luxurious, expensive textured paper - these save the dates get your guests talking!

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